How To Make Money Online In Nepal [Updated]

 Hello, and welcome to the blog. Since our starting days, we have been updating a lot of articles on how to make money online in Nepal. There are many working ways to make money online in Nepal. However, some of them are now outdated and some companies are new on the market. In this article, you will get to know about the legit ways to make money in Nepal in 2023, and yes they all are updated versions of our previous articles.

If you are our regular readers then I am sure you might have read some new ways to make money online in Nepal. For new users, you don't have to worry about it. We will cover all the details in this article as well. Therefore make sure to read the article until the very end. The internet era in Nepal has just started a few years ago. Before that, the internet was a dream for many households. Now you can see the internet in each and every household. The prices of internet packages are also getting affordable day by day. Because of this, the number of internet users is increasing day by day by a huge amount.

As a result, people are now seeking alternatives to physical jobs in Nepal.

We all know the unemployment rate in Nepal is too high because of this people are searching for jobs here and there. It is very difficult to start your own business in Nepal. You might face a lot of problems in your starting days plus there is no success guarantee for the startup companies. Because of this many startup companies are shutting down even before they grow fruitfully.

But, the people with some hidden talent will never get to be jobless in this country. Thousands of people in Nepal are making a decent amount of their talent. Therefore before we move ahead make sure to recognize your hidden talent or interest. It will help you to choose the path for the future.

How To Make Money Online In Nepal

How To Make Money Online In Nepal

As, I already said before, before we move ahead make sure to choose your talent or a path beforehand. Making money online is not that difficult if you are familiar with the internet world. If you don't have any talent or hobby you can always learn it. Education does not cost much. Also, it will provide you the education for a lifetime. So, you are ready to know how to make money online in Nepal?


Youtube is for those who are good at camera work. There are many ways to make money online with youtube. Among them, youtube videos, youtube shorts, and youtube gaming are the ones. To make money from youtube, first, you should do homework on the youtube niche. There are a lot of youtube video niches you can try on. From vlogs to the gaming niche, from the music video to movies and reels. You can choose any video niche you want. 

People with good content make thousands of dollars from Youtube. Nowadays, you can see a lot of news media channels on youtube. They are making a lot of money from youtube. Though it may sound easy to make money from youtube, however, it is just the opposite in reality. Youtube has very strict terms and conditions. If you break any of its terms and conditions then you won't get a single penny from youtube. Therefore, you have to use it wisely before it's too late.


Just like youtube, Facebook also has multiple options to make money online. From Facebook video monetization to Facebook reels and Facebook gaming, you can choose any option to make money online from Facebook. If you have good content then you can choose all of the above monetization options in a single place. There are also many other monetization options like subscriptions for the members, hosting a paid event, and so on.

The terms and conditions of Facebook are also too strict just like google adsense. Since both are the competition with each other. They are working very hard to make their platform safe for every user. You can earn a decent amount from Facebook as well only if you follow the Facebook monetization terms and conditions. Therefore, do not use any trick to boost your earnings from Facebook. Even if you earn little amount of money, always think about growing organic viewers or traffic.


If you are a regular viewer you should have noticed that in the past few days, we have been updating a lot of articles on Tiktok. TikTok a short video-sharing platform where you can show your talent to millions of users online is one of the best ways to make money online in Nepal. You can read here the 4 ways to make money online in Nepal on TikTok.

Read all the TikTok-related articles here in a single place.


Freelancing is one of the best ways to make money online in Nepal. You can take me as an example. I make $150 a month just by writing for the blog. If you are good at graphics designing then you can find a gig related to graphics designing on a freelancing platform like Fiverr, Upwork, and so on. We have already covered a piece of detailed information on freelancing jobs in Nepal in our previous article. If you want to learn more about freelancing jobs in Nepal then you can head over here.

Freelancing in Nepal is now a scorching topic. You can find many people talking about it everywhere, anytime. Those who have good skills earn a decent amount from freelancing. However, you need good knowledge before you jump into this sector. You can take me as an example. Till now I have made some good side income through freelancing. Writing an article for the blog is my best niche. So, before you start freelancing, know about your niche very well.

Therefore, pick your best niche before starting a freelancing job. Always be sure that you can complete the task on time. If you complete the task on time then, there will be a high chance of getting a lot of positive reviews about your work.

Online Classes

In the 5th place, we have an online class. I have a friend in India who makes thousands teaching the English language online. She has 4 or 5 students daily. Similarly, you can also teach online and earn some pocket money from your leisure time. For this, you need to have a good knowledge of what you are going to teach to your students. You don't have to teach only the English language. You can teach how to solve a problem online, how to make a website, apps, and so on. There are a lot of ways and niches you can pick.

That's all for today. Hope to see you in the next article. Have a good day.