How To Be A Professional Blogger In Nepal

 How To Be A Professional Blogger In Nepal? Many of you might have this question roaming in your mind but how can you be a professional blogger in Nepal? Just like another profession, blogging is also one of the decent online jobs to work with. If you have good knowledge of some topic or niche, you can easily do any work online. However, for blogging, you will need extra care. In this article, we will cover how you can be a professional blogger in Nepal. Before we move ahead you need to know about what is blogging.

What is Blogging?

When you share your views and ideas or any articles through the various blogs available online is called blogging. There are much free blogging platforms available on the market. Blogging does not only allow you to share your views and ideas. It can cover anything that you want to share online. From a personal blog to the news portal website, it has a very vast range

What are some free blogging platforms?

There are a lot of free blogging platforms available online. Most of them are free to use. It will only cost you some dollars when you are going to buy the domain name and web hosting for your blog. Otherwise, you can use almost all blogging platforms for free for a lifetime. Blogger is the oldest and most popular free blogging platform by Google. It is straightforward to use and learn. There are a lot of free blogger templates available on the market if you want to give your blog a new look. In blogger, you only need to purchase a domain name if you want to be a professional. Otherwise, their subdomain will also work like a champ.

Similarly, WordPress is another free blogging platform where you can share your thoughts and ideas. WordPress is also a popular blogging platform among many professional bloggers. It is a widely used blogging platform because it has a lot of features and controls than Google's Blogger. You can also find numerous WordPress themes and plugins online. Having all these things, in WordPress you will need to purchase both a domain name and web hosting to make it a professional blog.

There are also some other popular free blogging platforms like Wix, Linkedin, Weebly, Medium, Ghost, Tumblr, Joomla, and Jimdo. You can choose any one of them according to your budget and requirement. All of them are free to use unless you want to make a professional blog with a domain name and web hosting.

How To Be A Professional Blogger In Nepal

How To Be A Professional Blogger In Nepal

So, after you have decided on the blogging platform, you need to work on other things as well. Blogging may sound easy in words but it can be your nightmare if you take it carelessly. Therefore, always focus and give your time to blogging if you want to be a professional blogger. Below you will get to know the things that you should learn beforehand. If you are done choosing your blogging platform then let's move ahead.


Niche is the most important matter to be a professional blogger. Before you start blogging, you should know about your niche beforehand. Without knowing what you are going to post on your blog how can you run it for years long? Therefore choose a suitable niche according to your knowledge and talent. If you are good at information and technology then you can run a blog related to information and technology. If you are good at dating tips then you can be a love guru for broken heart people or for love birds. It all depends on what you want.

Never pick that niche with which you are unfamiliar. It will create a lot of problems in the coming future. Also, you can convert your blog into a microblog where you can share everything. Niche is the first step of your professional blogging journey. There are hundreds of blogging niches available on the internet. If you want to earn a high amount of money from google adsense then you can choose a high-paying niche for your blog. If you are focusing only on content then focus on your expertise area.

Domain and Hosting

The domain name and web hosting come second after the niche. After you are done choosing a niche for your blog then now you have to be ready for the domain name and web hosting. Before it was difficult to buy a domain name and web hosting in Nepal because we didn't have domestic domain names and web hosting providers. However, today there are dozens of domain name and web hosting providers in the Nepali market. You can purchase a domain name and web hosting at very cheap rates using your online digital wallet.

While choosing your domain name, ensure your blog niche and domain name are similar. Also, always think twice while choosing your domain name. A long domain name might not be as attractive as a short one. You have to think of your domain name as a brand. Therefore, do not pick some meaningless domain name for your blog. Always work on building a brand with your domain name. And about the web hosting, you should check the unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth Webhosting for a better experience. If you have enough money then you can select the best web hosting package for your blog.


Do you like to visit dirty blogs? or a blog with a messy design? No, of course not. Your visitors will also say the same if your blog design is messy and dirty. To attract more blog viewers, blog design will also play an equal role as others. If you are good at coding then you can create a beautiful blog design for your blog. It may take some time for you to complete the project. However, at last, hard work will always pay well. If you are not good at coding then no worries. There are thousands of free blog templates on the internet.

You can use it for free without paying a single cent. The original creator of the blog will only ask for a simple credit which you can find at the end of every free blog template. Make your blog clean and attractive so that the viewers may not leave your blog as soon as they enter the site. Along with the blog design, you should also work on blog widgets/gadgets or plugins. Do not add unnecessary widgets to your blog. It may slow down your website.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is another key factor that you should not miss while you are on the way to becoming a professional blogger. The main work of SEO is to generate organic blog traffic. If you want a lot of blog traffic then you should not miss SEO. SEO will help you to rank your blog articles in the various search engines. There are many ways to generate blog traffic. However, SEO is loved by many advertising companies like Google Adsense and so on.

If you are thinking about using bot traffic to generate or boost the earnings of your blog then you need to be corrected. Google adsense hates bot traffic. It only allows pure organic traffic or traffic from other sources like social media, newsletters, and so on. Therefore do not use such bot traffic in your blog. Instead, learn how to be an SEO expert.


And lastly, time is important for every occupation. Whether you are a doctor or a blogger. If you do not give a preferred time to your work, it will be a mess. If you are so busy in your daily life then you can at least create one quality article every week. It will help your blog to keep fresh and also it will help the google bot to allow in your blog. As a result, your blog's article will keep updating on google search.

Also, do not forget to reply to the comments or inbox messages if you get any. It will help your viewers to engage more on the blog. At least 30 minutes to one hour a day will be enough to check all the problems and update your blog. And extra 3 or 4 hours a week to create quality content for your blog.

That's all for today. Hope to see you in the next article. Have a good day.