Why blogging is helpful to you?

All of us are aware of the digital world. Since the digital world is a vast subject. Let's take one feature/characteristic 'the means of communication'. 

There are many ways of communication but here I am explaining digital communication. Among the crowd of various platforms for communication, blogging has its own unique feature which makes it special among others.

I am explaining here how?

Most of the communication in any platforms are for relatively sort interval and for a limited person. To make this statement clear I like to given an example about a post you make on one of your social media accounts. How many people would that post reached out to? Is that message reached your targeted audience? And for how long would that post remain in the audience timeline? 

I think you get what I meant to say here! With each refresh, your message would vanish. The message of your reaches little more audience only when you gets comments/ likes or share of the post by others and even then don't last long. 

Telling these all. I am trying to assure that blogging is the best means of communication!

Wait! you can deny my view. I also don't deny some key values of social media and similar ways of communication. People willing to have instant responses from their circle and the message for the instant circumstance can be more quickly spread in social media than from the blog post especially when you are new to blogging. 

Why blogging is helpful to you?
Start blog post!                                Pic: Pixabay

Blogging is recommended for

I recommend use blogging for not only sharing the information with instant importance but with the information that can be related in the future or anytime. Obviously, you can share some event occurred more detailly which would be helpful in future. Your views and opinion shared would reach out any time to the targeted audience when in need. If the subject matter anyone wanting to get in touch, view the opinion of your then s/he can do anytime after you posted any blog post. 

 Start blogging today

Are you planning to start blogging? Do you want to write your content and publishing them online? Then you do today. Don't wait for the next day. Share the world your views. Even if you are unheard today you would definitely hear the day find your meaningful message. 

Don't worry about what others think about it. Just start writing. Writing is equally important as reading or even more to your brain. In writing, your brain starts thinking of your own creativity while reading takes other ideas. 

Writing may not sound good at the beginning but sooner or later it would take a track. If you think of other's writing then your brain tries to remain to confirm around the content you have seen, read, heard of. Begin writing what you experience about the event, what you thought about action, your habits, about your preferences of something over something and why is that, etc. 

Do blogging and Grow Creativity

I myself have experienced that, the capacity of the brain to generate creativity has slowly been declining as we came across lots of information every time. Seeing new information every few seconds has made our brain that the content we have scrolling through is more familiar but actually when we need to recall back without recalling them is hard.

Saying all these. I am trying to say that mind getting duller these days, the capacity to create creativity has been declining. So, let's think about our brain. Let's don't let our brain reduce its capacity.

Writing would improve the brain's capacity. So, why not write regularly, expressing our crude opinion that not reflecting anyone's ideas. Creativeness also improves our mental health. 

I hope you are convinced that writing is essential to boost your creativity. I wish you think about writing soon and if you already had written then why wouldn't share with the world your views. Sure, you can keep your secretes privately. Here, I am talking about the views and opinions, experiences that would really be helpful for others in the same situation as you are now. 

My message at the end is 'Write and Share for that let's do blogging'.

If you have anything to share. Please let us know! We would please to help. - BN Community