Amnesty International Nepal

In 1969, Lawyer Nutan Tapaliya established Amnesty International Branch in Nepal. This was recognized by Amnesty International central committee after few years as "Nepal Section" and the first president of Amnesty International Nepal was Rishikesh Shah. The recognition by Amnesty International was cancelled during 1982. However, some people take membership directly from Amnesty International directly and begin to involve in group formation and involve in world wide campaign organized by the organization. 
After the reestablishment of democracy in 1990 in coordination of Amnesty International Secretariat Coordinating Structure was established, coordinated by Chitra Niraula. Later during 1993 Amnesty International "Nepal Section" was revalid during the period Krishna Pahadi was president. Since, then Amnesty International Nepal involves in its work freely and actively. Now, the member of Amnesty International Nepal has reached above 7000 in around 41 district with 71 groups and 61 youth networks that linked up with Amnesty International Nepal and worked in the field of Human right. It has triained Female, people representative, youth, teachers, police about the Human Right Training Program are main outcomes of this organization.
Amnesty International Nepal

Membership of Amnesty International Nepal 

Amnesty International Nepal Provides general member to those people who respects Human 
Right and theme of Amnesty International. If anyone wish to be member of Amnesty International Nepal, they have to fill up membership form and pay some amount. For renew the membership they need to again follow the same procedure filling up the membership form and paying amount and senting it to Amnesty International Nepal Address.

Types of Members

a. Individual Member
Following organizational regulations and objectives, interested to contribute in the campaign of organization without interested to involve in decision making process belong to age group above 16 years old are provided with Individual Membership without discriminating based on their believe, religion, gender, origin, language, etc.

b. Group General Member
Based on the decision of executive members of group that involve in Amnesty International Nepal or group that is involving in Amnesty International Nepal, those who involve in organization and receive membership would be called as Group general members. The qualification for the group general member is similar to that of individual member. This type of member have decisive role during decision making process and voting right within the group and in Amnesty Internation Nepal as a respective group.

c. Youth Network Member
Those who follow regulation and objectives of the organization and not willing to have voting right in general assembly of Amnesty Internation Nepal Section belong to age group 14 years to 25 years can obtain membership in youth network.
