Smart City

What exactly is smart city in your opinion? There are lots of opinion of people on there on. In general all those opinion should cover some of the fundamental aspect to define some city as a smart city. Some of the basic requisities that all of smart city defination should include are:

  • Easy access to information.
  • Quick and reliable connectivity.
  • Smooth public service.
  • Energy efficient transportation.
  • Ecologically balance Environment.
  • Physically and Mentally sound health of public.
  • Security of every individual is ensured.
  • Control crime and robery.
Smart City - Aspects
Smart City Aspects

Why Needs of Smart City
The human civilization is dynamic and it keep on changing. Human have made to much progress in field of development and exploitaion of the nature. Now, here come up a situation if this devastating activities of human is not controlled Nature would no more without the ecological balance thus, results in various catastropical events happen arround the world. We already begin to see many changes and that intensities would rise enourmously if not concern in time. It is the time we need to make change in our living habit behaviour to maintain a co-exitence with the environment. The reason why we need a Smart City can be explain with following points.
  • Developing cities are polluted the land.
  • Pollution is increasing every year.
  • Noises and sound pollution in crowded area increasing.
  • Deteriotion in human health.
  • Working effeciency of people declining.
  • No sufficient grenary.
  • Traffic of cities are growing.
  • Ecological function has been neglected.
  • Urban heat island is created.
How to Create Smart City
Smart city provides the spaces for both people and environment. People activities are carried without disturbing the function of ecosystem. The nature can function as it is as naturally with least human influenced. To create Smart City a detail plan should be made during urban planning. Open spaces in every interval is arranged for various floral and fauna diversity. Building up one or another individually would result as a smart city. For creating a Smart City different infrastructure should be built with consulting various aspect of people and environment. Smart City should creates best environment to stay for different class group of people and different age group. 
  • Plantation in road side or in lane divider.
  • Parks and botanical garden in every localities.
  • Security cameras in different corners of roads helps observe accident if any.
  • Helps to transfer emergency tools and goods.
  • Easy access to essential service vehicle.
  • Services of connectivity.
  • Pollution control mechanism.
  • Control criminal activities with security cameras. 
  • Availability of parking is pre-informed.
  • Traffic are made autonomous and energy efficient.
Many cities in different parts of world are developing using the techniques that sustain the energy consumed and produced inside the city. The ecological balace remain undisturbed by human influence
